Article in IDEAT Magazine – Report on Georges Pelletier, his son Benjamin and the collaboration with the gallery owner Christophe Declercq in Knokke.

Discover the career of Georges Pelletier, his way of working and the collaboration with his son.

In this article you will be able to discover the evolution of Georges Pelletier’s life and career, how he was trained, his international development and the collaboration with his son Benjamin who has been working with him in the workshop for several years.

“I have always followed my intuition. I wanted to leave
free rein to my creativity. »

Georges Pelletier, ceramist


Ideat Benelux article sur Georges Pelletier Magazine Ideat - reportage sur Georges et Benjamin Pelletier Magazine Ideat - reportage sur Georges et Benjamin Pelletier Reportage dans Ideat magazine sur Georges et Benjamin Pelletier Magazine Ideat - reportage sur Georges et Benjamin Pelletier Article sur Georges Pelletier

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