Very happy to find this beautiful Totem by Georges Pelletier in the AD Italy magazine for the month of May 2020.
The totem is in the interior of the very beautiful apartment of the stylists, Charlotte and Damir Doma, which is in a building of the Thirties which had been created by the famous architect Gio Ponti.

“PAGINE PRECEDENTI La scala del palazzo, con la ringhiera dal motivo Geometrico tipico di Ponti. Damir e Charlotte Doma ritratti nella sala da pranzo. Alle loro spalle, una tela di Emanuel Seitz. Sulla destra, Totem Floor Lamp di Georges Pelletier…”
“PREVIOUS PAGES The staircase of the building, with the balustrade with the geometric pattern typical of Ponti. Damir and Charlotte Doma represented in the dining room. Behind them, a painting by Emanuel Seitz. On the right, Totem floor lamp by Georges Pelletier”